Wednesday 20 April 2011

lirik dan translate b.inggris Dang Ni Gu Dan Ni Hui Xiang Qi Shui

When You Are Lonely, Who Will You Think Of

你的心情总在飞 什么事都要去追 想抓住一点安慰
You are always moody and you try to pursue all matters, wanting to hold on to some comfort
你总是喜欢在人群中徘徊 你最害怕孤单的滋味
You like to walk in the middle of crowds because you're scared of being lonely
你的心那么脆 一碰就会碎 经不起一点风吹
Your heart is so fragile it will break with only a touch - it cannot fight against the wind
你的身边总是要许多人陪 你最害怕每天的天黑
You always need people to stay by your side, because you're afraid of the daily darkness

但是天总会黑 人总要离别
But there are times when the sky will turn dark, and people will have to leave
There isn't anyone who can accompany another person forever
而孤单的 谁都要面对
And the feeling of being lonely is something everyone must face
It not only exhausts you but it tires me as well

When you are lonely, who will you think of?
Do you want someone to accompany you?
你的快乐伤悲 只有我能体会
Your happiness and sorrow can only be felt by me
So let me be with you for a while

你的心情总在飞 什么事都要去追 想抓住一点安慰
You are always moody and you try to pursue all matters, wanting to hold on to some comfort
你总是喜欢在人群中徘徊 你最害怕孤单的滋味
You like to walk in the middle of crowds because you're scared of being lonely
你的心那么脆 一碰就会碎 经不起一点风吹
Your heart is so fragile it will break with only a touch, it cannot fight against the wind
你的身边总是要许多人陪 你最害怕每天的天黑
You always need people to stay by your side, because you're afraid of the daily darkness

但是天总会黑 人总要离别
But there are times when the sky will turn dark, and people will have to leave
There isn't anyone who can accompany another person forever
而孤单的 谁都要面对
And the feeling of being lonely is something everyone must face
It not only exhausts you but it tires me as well

When you are lonely, who will you think of?
Do you want someone to accompany you?
你的快乐伤悲 只有我能体会
Your happiness and sorrow can only be felt by me
So let me be with you for a while
When you are lonely, who will you think of?
Do you want someone to accompany you?
你的快乐伤悲 只有我能体会
Your happiness and sorrow can only be felt by me
So let me be with you for a while

你的快乐伤悲 只有我能体会
Your happiness and sorrow can only be felt by me
So let me be with you for a while

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